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iBrand Solutions develops Unique Online Dating Services Portal www.datingservicesonline.com 

iBrand Solutions attains Top SEO Rankings for a renowned Patent Law frim site http://www.meredithkeyhani.com/ 

iBrand Solutions has signed  long term contract with Automobile dealer for promoting their 52 sites related to Automobile spares & Accessories.

Our Clients
Excellent to work with. I highly recommend this company. Individual attention was given -- adherence to details and strict compliance with project requirements. Completed in a timely manner. Excellent all around! 100% -applesofgold1

iBrandSolutions was a pleasure to work with. They completed my project fast and exceeded my expectations. The communication was excellent. I would not hesitate to use them again. First class!
- vaporguy

iBrand Solutions has signed deal with Bondrewards for promoting their Online Shopping site -

iBrand Solutions has signed contract for promoting the Malaysian realestate protals. !

We develop a strategic vision for your website , to increase online presence ,acquire more visitors, and drive revenue..

   Digital Marketing Plan

Develop an effective Digital Marketing Plan to increase the online visibility of the website on the world wide web, increase quality traffic to the website, and in carrying out effective online promotional strategies.

   Search Engine Optimization

A web site is search engine optimized in order to get better results in the search engines and allow the search engine spiders to crawl while showing search engine results.

We can help you to check your HTML codes, develop optimized title and Meta Tags, identify potential problems with solutions, and submit your website to major search engines.

Website is submitted to the search engines under the appropriate category in order to have effective presence on the World Wide Web. Website is submitted to the search engines in order to have presence on the world wide web.
Keyword Optimization

Keyword analysis is done and the website is optimized based on the best key word for getting better results in the search engines. The key word optimizations enables to get prominent listing in search engines.

   Affiliate Marketing

iBrand solutions will identify portals for strategic partnership to generate additional traffic for the website and promote company products and services globally which helps in business generation to the website.

   Online Advertising

Online advertising ,a media to reach the targeted community of the visitor to the website by placing online advertisements to increase the click through rate, and build the brand on world wide web .iBrand solutions identifies portals and does feasibility studies for online promotions based on the target audience segment and finalize online Promotional activities.

   Email Marketing

We carry out the effective email campaign programs for promoting the company brand image, products and services to each users personally.

1.Targeted Email Marketing
2.Un Targeted Email Marketing

   Link Building

We build links inbound and out bound links for your website and increase online visibility, page rank to your website on the world wide web .


Participation in the online discussion groups on the World Wide Web for promoting of the website. Discreet postings to discussion groups,forums,Bulletin boards,newsgroups,and chats

   Online Public Relations

Online PR is all about getting your web site visibility through online media placement in news stories as well as through content placement Online press releases to the publications and magazines about the latest updates and developments of the website. Discussion lists and ezines are a very valuable source of publicity, leads and sales. We search for ezines and discussion lists and post articles in them. We even help clients create their own ezine and develop a list of subscribers. We conduct a search and determine which newsgroups are best for our clients.

   Web Site Analysis and Competitive Intelligence

Web Site Analysis is done to analyze the website features, browser compatibility, download, bad links, image size, check bad links in the website, competitive edge over other websites in terms of functionality and features. We find out who and where your competition is, and where you can link to a community of business networks and related sites. We will search to find your online competitors and important places that act as resource centers for your business .

   Web Stat Analysis

Implementing a solution and Analyzing the web traffic based on demographic, search engine referrals, average time spent, key words used, page view problems, most visited section in your website etc.

   Live Support

Live Support helps the visitors to interact with the user and provide support to him and reply to the queries of the user. It would be a one to one interaction .We implement live chat support system on the website which is user friendly and a cost effective solution in promoting your services globally . It facilitates the user by providing virtual information at the desk of the of the user and clarify all his queries within less span of time. The live support enables more referrals to the website by the user and customer retention rate would be high and increase the traffic to website.

   Web Market Research
   iBrand solutions does web research based on the client requirements and provides detailed    information report.